Jumat, 24 Februari 2023


Pengaruh kecepatan potong proses pembubutan Baja AISI 1045 terhadap gaya potong dan Terjadinya  BUE pada mata pahat karbida

Sobron Lubis, Sofian Djamil Yehezkiel Kurniawan Zebua

Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tarumanagara

Jl. Let.Jen S. Parman No.1 Jakarta 11440, Indonesia

e-mail: yehezkiel.515150044@stu.untar.ac.id

Correspondence Author: Sobronl@ft.untar.ac.id


In the manufacturing industry, the use of cutting tools is significant especially in metal machining. The usage of cutting tools have not been used optimally, so are the cutting parameters. In the cutting process, built up edges and cutting method correspond in the cutting process. This research was conducted to analyze the built up edge of coated carbide cutters and cutting forces produced in turning AISI 1045 steel workpieces. This study produced a variation of 3 cutting speed levels with 2 experiments consisting of: 141 m / min, 148 m / min , 169 m / min in the first experiment and 142 m / min, 157 m / min, 163 m / min and a cutting depth of 0.4 mm. To observe the built-up edge, every 5 minutes in one cutting will be seen the built-up edge happened and cut-off values ​​taken every one cutting moment. From the results of the study obtained the first experiment: At Vc 141 m / min within 43 minutes will get 239 N Ff value and 347 N Fc value with a built up edge length of 1.56 mm, width 1.35 mm, and height 0.56 mm, at Vc 148 m / min within 35 minutes result in Ff value of 233 N. Fc value of 342 N with built up edge length of 0.89 mm, width 0.79 mm, and height 0.31 mm, at Vc 169 m / min during 16 minutes get Ff 220 N and Fc 330 N with built up edge length of 1.40 mm, width 1.36 mm, and height of 0.61 mm. Second experiment; At Vc 142 m / minute within 39 minutes will get Ff value of 193 N and 265 N Fc value ​​with built up edge length of 0.80 mm, width 0.57 mm, height 0.47 mm, At Vc 157 m / min within 29 minutes, result to get values of Ff 170 N and Fc 279 N with built up edge length of 0.64 mm, width 0.51 mm , height 0.72 mm, At Vc 163 m / min within 22 minutes get 178 N Ff value and 292 N Fc value with built up edge length of 1.08 mm , width 0.66 mm, and height 0.33 mm

Key words: tool wear, coated carbide, cutting force, AISI 1045 steel, built up edge.


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