Sobron Lubis, Rosehan, Denny Handoko
Department of Mechanical
Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Tarumanagara,
Jakarta - Indonesia
In the metal cutting process, the
products are of good quality is to be achieved. Quality product is obtained
when the shape and surface conditions are achieved in accordance with the
designed. One of the factors that determine the achievement of the quality of
the product is generated surface roughness. If roughness a surface increasingly
subtle then it surface workpiece who generated increasingly well. Surface
quality of the workpiece machining process results influenced by many things
such as material hardness, product geometry, tool wear, coolant, and also the
ability of the machine do the work. In the process of turning, the workpiece
surface roughness occurs because of the friction between the the cutting tool
and the workpiece. This study was conducted to analyze the influence of rake
angle cutting tool on the surface roughness of the workpiece. This experiment
using a CNC lathe and workpiece is AISI 4340. The machining process using
ceramic cutting tools with various rake angle (-3o, -6o,
0o, 3o, 6o). The results obtained that the increase
in rake angle
give the effect on the value of the
surface roughness of the
workpiece . Improved machining time give the effect on the surface roughness of
the workpiece.
Keywords: Rake angle, cutting tools, surface roughness
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